InOrder WMS Guides Warehouse Personnel with Receiving

The InOrder RF Receiving functionality is useful when you’re expecting a purchase order to be filled, or when a surprise delivery is made to your dock. After purchase orders are created and printed, they are immediately available for RF receiving. When material is delivered, any RF user (with the appropriate user permissions) may enter or lookup the purchase order with the RF device and begin the receiving process. Multiple RF users may receive items for the same purchase order, which is useful for large purchase orders. RF users may leave their transaction while other RF users continue to receive items on the purchase order, or the user who started the transaction may pause it.InOrder WMS RF MenuThe RF user is guided through the receiving process to first select or lookup a purchase order. The RF User then selects a receiving bin location. Buttons for common receiving bins and hold codes may be configured to represent your specific bins and codes.

InOrder WMS RF Receive ToIf there are existing, open receipt transactions for the same purchase order (these may be receipt transactions that were paused by the current user or a receipt transaction started by another RF user for a team receiving scenario), the InOrder RF user chooses whether to receive on an existing receipt transaction or start a new receipt transaction.

The receiving section lists open purchase order line items. This section is useful for receiving small purchase orders (few line items). The open PO line items are presented and may be received one at a time via a button click and confirmation.

InOrder WMS RF Receiving QtyIf an item is damaged, a button directs the RF user to a new page to receive the PO line item as damaged.

Options are also provided to manually receive the purchase order. This option is useful when receiving very large purchase orders with many line items. The item to receive is scanned and the quantity is entered.

A “Receive All” option automatically receives all open line items / quantities for the purchase order. The “View Received Items” button displays a list of line items received for the current purchase order.InOrder WMS RF Received ItemsCheck out these other great InOrder WMS RF features:

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