Crossing Language and Currency Borders with InOrder ERP

With the Multi-Language capabilities of the InOrder ERP system, you can establish a list of Languages to be used when printing forms for Customers whose primary Language is other than English.

InOrder ERP Languages

  • Default language of a new customer is set based on the customer’s country.
  • Customize your own Crystal Report forms, such as packing slips, invoices, and statements to display field labels and text messages that vary based on the preferred language of each target address.

Multiple Currencies

InOrder supports currency symbols and allows you to control whether a currency is available for use on your web store. Also supported are interface codes used by the Paymentech Gateway when processing credit card transactions in a foreign currency.

InOrder Currencies

Temporal Exchange Rates by Client

Currency exchange rates are used to show converted currency values on printed forms (invoices, credit memos, statements, etc) for customer presentation. This is normally used where prices and sales are stored in US dollars, but must be shown to the customer in their native currency equivalent.

  • Exchange rates are defined with effective dates for each currency type your business uses.
  • Orders and A/R link to the Exchange Rates data to show customer transactions in your base currency and the customer’s foreign currency.
  • Morse Data can connect your preferred data source to feed the exchange rate tables.

InOrder ERP Exchange Rates

Contact us for more information about increasing your customer base with InOrder’s Multi-Language capabilities.

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