Do You Need an ERP System?

An Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system commonly integrates information across the organization. This system, which relies on a single database, automates the flow of information within the system.

Most systems are modular and allow you to add modules as you grow. Modules are usually tightly integrated; an update in one module often affects information in other modules. The modules all carry a consistent look and use the same layout.

In the past, ERP systems were for very large enterprises. In the last decade, systems have been designed for smaller businesses.

What are the Benefits of an ERP System?

A well-designed ERP system usually incorporates many aspects of a business – from CRM, order management and the supply chain to sales, accounting and marketing. It integrates all of your separate, divided systems and processes into one unified system.

A typical ERP system can manage your inventory and warehouse functions, process orders and payments, drive business growth with promotions and other marketing efforts, and protect customer data. It can even manage commissions, royalties, and contracts, help with job costing, and so much more.

An ERP system can give you a more clear view of your business. It can eliminate old and outdated systems, as well as manual and paper processes, while providing more efficient operations across your enterprise.

What Next?

First, make a list of your business processes and what you’d like an ERP system to have. You’ll want a system that can easily create reports and provide access to current documentation. Do you need inventory or warehouse management? Do you want your Customer Service Reps to help grow your business? Do you want a real-time shopping cart? Decide what you need, and what you want to accomplish.

Then, request a free demo to see if InOrder is right for you.


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